
What is a conservation easement?

A conservation easement is a legal agreement between the landowner and the land trust that limits the uses of the land in order to protect its conservation values. Unlike a county use designation, it is permanent and perpetual. The landowner continues to own the land and can live on it, sell it, or pass it on to heirs with the agreement remaining in place.

Conservation easements can be placed on various types and sizes of both private and public land. In most cases, the landowner is eligible for federal income, estate, or property tax benefits. These will vary and a tax attorney can help determine what applies to your situation. Just like the properties themselves, no two conservation easements are alike.

Conservation Easement Specialties

The Southern Conservation Trust’s conservation team works with a variety of land owners, including individuals, corporations, farms, and families, to meet their conservation goals. Our most common conservation successes are listed below and are not mutually exclusive. Reach out if you think a conservation easement would be right for your property!

Fee Simple Property Donations

Interested in transferring ownership of your land entirely? Unlike donating a conservation easement, which keeps the property under your continued ownership, you may prefer to donate your land outright to the Southern Conservation Trust. We accept donations of fee simple property with clear titles and protect thousands of acres of greenspace, wildlife habitat, streams, and wetlands this way.

Leave Your Legacy with Planned Giving

Not ready to donate your land yet? That's okay. Some landowners choose to remember SCT in their wills or arrange for a life estate. Explore planned giving options instead for your real estate as well as other assets.

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